Helicobacter pylori inhabits the gastric mucosa where it senses and responds to various stresses via a two-component systems (TCSs) that enable its persistent colonization. The aim of this study was to investigate whether any of the three paired TCSs (ArsRS, FleRS and CrdRS) in H. pylori respond to nitrosative stress. The results showed that the expression of crdS was significantly increased upon exposure to nitric oxide (NO). crdS-knockout (DeltacrdS) and crdR/crdS-knockout (DeltacrdRS) H. pylori, but not arsS-knockout (DeltaarsS) or fleS-knockout (DeltafleS) H. pylori, showed a significant loss of viability upon exposure to NO compared with wild-type strain. Knockin crdS (DeltacrdS-in) significantly restored viability in the presence of NO. Global transcriptional profiling analysis of wild-type and DeltacrdS H. pylori in the presence or absence of NO showed that 101 genes were differentially expressed, including copper resistance determinant A (crdA), transport, binding and envelope proteins. The CrdR binding motifs were investigated by competitive electrophoretic mobility shift assay, which revealed that the two AC-rich regions in the crdA promoter region are required for binding. These results demonstrate that CrdR-crdA interaction enables H. pylori to survive under nitrosative stress.